Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Offsite Troop Meeting this Thursday, 12/14, at SkyZone - Kingston, MA

Hello Troop 20!

1) SKYZONE:  We will be having an offsite activity this week in lie of our regular troop meeting.  We will be at SkyZone, at the Kingston Mall.  We will be getting pizza afterwards so scouts should have a light snack before coming.  The plan is for the scouts t jump from 6:30 to 7:30 and then we'll be heading to the food court.

Drop-off:  We will meet at SkyZone between 6:00-6:15pm.
Pickup:  Please plan to pickup your scout in the food court of the Kingston mall at 8:30pm.
Cost:  Each scout will need $20 cash to cover the cost of jumping and pizza afterwards at the food court.

IMPORTANT:  Every scout MUST have their parent complete a waiver BEFORE Thursday.  Please go to this link for the waiver:  https://www.skyzone.com/kingston

***** You MUST use the waiver specifically for the Kingston SkyZone. *****

Click on the 'FILL OUT WAIVER' button and then select the 'MYSELF & CHILDREN' button.

2) Toys for Tots:  Any scout who has not yet turned in a toy, and wants to do so, may bring it Thursday night to SkyZone.  As a reminder, it should be a toy priced at no more than $10 and unwrapped.

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