Hello Troop 20!
There will be a committee meeting and PLC meeting this Thursday at 6:00pm at Sacred Heart Parish Hall.
Immediately following, we will have our regular weekly Troop meeting from 7:00 - 8:30pm.
Troop 25 (Attleboro) Annual Big Feast:
Troop 20 has been invited to Troop 25's annual 'Big Feast' Thanksgiving Dinner camping trip.
- When: Friday, 11/16 - Sunday, 11/18
- Dinner: Saturday, 11/17 - 6:00PM
- Where: Camp Norse, 112 Parting Ways Road, Kingston, MA
- Cost: There will be a non-refundable $25.00 deposit required per Scout (Covers Troop Cabin, Dinner, Ranges, & Stations)
An additional cost will cover any additional Troop meals. This will be communicated in another update once we have headcount and a meal plan.
Program Highlights:
- Dessert Contest
- Shooting Ranges
- Scavenger Hunt
- Scout Skills Challenges
- 4th Annual Turkey Trot
For all Scouts interested in attending, we need headcount and your deposit by Thursday, 11/8. A sign-up sheet will be available at our Troop meetings.
Merit Badges:
Citizenship in the Community
- Mr. McKinnon will be continuing the Citizenship in the Community merit badge this week. Please remember that if you are participating in this merit badge, Mr. McKinnon has asked that you please stop by the Town Clerks Office, in the Town Hall Annex, and pick up a copy of the Middleborough Town Report for the next class.
- If you have additional requirements completed, please bring your work books so that you can receive credit for the work.
Personal Management
- Any Scouts who have made progress on this badge, please bring your workbook to Thursday's meeting so that Mrs. Swindle can check them and give you credit for any work completed.
Ski Trip:
We have secured February 8 to the 10th for the 2019 Ski Trip weekend and we now need commitments from those Scouts who would like to go skiing. We will need a non-refundable $50 deposit to secure your spot on the trip. Because we have to pay for the hall, food, lift tickets, and equipment, please understand that once you put your name on the list to go, you are responsible for $50 deposit, whether you actually go or not, so please make sure that weekend works for you before committing.
In the coming weeks we will publish additional information regarding when your deposit is due by, equipment rentals, etc. so stay tuned!
That's all for now. We look forward to seeing all of our Scouts this Thursday!
Attention all Scouts participating in the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge program.
Mr. McKinnon would like all Scouts working on this badge to please stop by the Town Clerks Office, in the Town Hall Annex, and pick up a copy of the Middleborough Town Report for the next class.
Thank You!
Hello Troop 20!
We have just posted an updated 2018-2019 Troop Calendar on the blog. Please refer to this calendar for upcoming events, troop meeting schedule, etc.
As a reminder, the calendar can be found on the right side of the blog.
Hello Troop 20!
We will be having our regular Troop Meeting this Thursday, October 25th, at 7:00pm. Sacred Heart Parish Hall. Please remember that we line up for our opening ceremony at 7:00PM so you need to plan to be at the hall 10-15 minutes earlier, in Class A uniform. If you arrive during the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Oath, or Scout Law, you will be asked to please wait in the foyer of the hall until those particular parts of the ceremony have completed, then you may join your patrol.
Here are this week's announcements
Annual Dues:
Our annual dues will $100 per Scout this year. These will be due by December 1st. Checks should be made out to 'Troop 20'. If you have any questions, please see one of the Scoutmasters or Mrs. Swindle at the Troop meeting.
Troop 25 (Attleboro) Annual Big Feast:
- Troop 20 has been invited to Troop 25's annual 'Big Feast' Thanksgiving Dinner camping trip.
- When: Friday, 11/16 - Sunday, 11/18
- Dinner: Saturday, 11/17 - 6:00PM
- Where: Camp Norse, 112 Parting Ways Road, Kingston, MA
- Cost: There will be a non-refundable $25.00 deposit required per Scout (Covers Troop Cabin, Dinner, Ranges, & Stations)
An additional cost will cover any additional Troop meals. This will be communicated in another update once we have headcount and a meal plan.
Program Highlights:
- Dessert Contest
- Shooting Ranges
- Scavenger Hunt
- Scout Skills Challenges
- 4th Annual Turkey Trot
For all Scouts interested in attending, we need headcount and your deposit by Thursday, 11/8. A sign-up sheet will be available at our Troop meetings.
Merit Badges:
Citizenship in the Community
- Mr. McKinnon will be starting the Citizenship in the Community merit badge this week. This is an Eagle Required merit badge so, if you have not already earned the badge, we strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this class, whether you are currently on the path to Eagle or not.
- If you have additional requirements completed, please bring your work books so that you can receive credit for the work.
Personal Management
- Any Scouts who have made progress on this badge, please bring your workbook to Thursday's meeting so that Mrs. Swindle can check them and give you credit for any work completed.
Money for Murdock Street or MassJam:
- Anyone still owing money for the Murdock Street Camping Trip or MassJam needs to make sure they bring that money to this week's Troop Meeting.
Popcorn Sales Reminder:
- Popcorn Take Orders, and all payments, are due this Thursday, October 25th. Please turn in your order forms and money to Mrs. MacDonald.
Ski Trip:
We have secured February 8 to the 10th for the 2019 Ski Trip weekend and we now need commitments from those Scouts who would like to go skiing. We will need a non-refundable $50 deposit to secure your spot on the trip. Because we have to pay for the hall, food, lift tickets, and equipment, please understand that once you put your name on the list to go, you are responsible for $50 deposit, whether you actually go or not, so please make sure that weekend works for you before committing.
In the coming weeks we will publish additional information regarding when your deposit is due by, equipment rentals, etc. so stay tuned!
That's all for now. We look forward to seeing all of our Scouts this Thursday!
Hello Troop 20!
Troop 20 will be supporting this year's BSA Scouting for Food program by providing volunteers to help with the Sacred Heart Food Pantry "Stuff the Truck" food drive being held at the Middleborough Trucchi's Supermarket on Saturday, November 10th and Sunday, November 11th, 2018. The food drive will run from 10 AM to 5 PM each day and we are looking for volunteers to either; a) ask customers going into the store to purchase food for the pantry and hand them a suggested shopping list, or b) receive and sort the food being donated by customers on their way out of the store.
We are looking for Scouts to sign up for one of the available two-hour time slots and want to ask Scouts to volunteer in pairs so that they will have a buddy while at the store. The time spent will count toward any needed community service hours for rank advancement. Sign-up sheets will be available at the Troop meeting this week, October 25th, so please consider helping out those in need this year. Thank You, Mr. Cunningham.
Hello Troop 20!
Jacob Studley will be working on his Eagle Project this Saturday, October 20th and is looking for volunteers to help him with his project.
Where: Sacred Heart Retreat Center, 226 Great Neck Road, Wareham
Time: 12:00 - 6:00PM
Work will consist of scraping and painting boat house doors - 7 doors in total.
If you have any scrapers and brushes, as well as eye protection, that you could bring, it would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Troop 20!
We will be having our regular Troop Meeting this Thursday, October 18th, at 7:00pm. Sacred Heart Parish Hall.
Here are this week's announcements
Food costs for Murdock Street and MassJam:
For the Murdock Street camping trip, food costs ended up at $10 per Scout.
- Scouts who presently owe money for this trip are; Jacob, Mark, Drew, Jared, Wayne, Josh P, and Phil.
For MassJam, food costs came out to $25 per Scout.
- Scouts who presently owe money for MassJam are; Wayne, Drew, Ben, Sam T, Jared, Mark, Arthur, Sully, Jacob, & Kevin
Please bring a check Thursday for the total amount, made out to 'Troop 20'.
Troop 25 (Attleboro) Annual Big Feast:
- Troop 20 has been invited to Troop 25's annual 'Big Feast' Thanksgiving Dinner camping trip.
- When: Friday, 11/16 - Sunday, 11/18
- Dinner: Saturday, 11/17 - 6:00PM
- Where: Camp Norse, 112 Parting Ways Road, Kingston, MA
- Price: $15.00 per Scout (Covers Dinner, Ranges, & Stations)
An additional cost will cover a cabin for the Troop and any additional Troop meals. This will be communicated in another update once we have headcount and a meal plan.
Program Highlights:
- Dessert Contest
- Shooting Ranges
- Scavenger Hunt
- Scout Skills Challenges
- 4th Annual Turkey Trot
If Scouts are interested in attending, we need headcount and payment for the dinner by Thursday, 11/8. A sign-up sheet will be available at this weeks Troop meeting.
Eric Grady's Eagle Project - (Part IV?):
- Eric will be continuing his Eagle Scout Project at the Nichols Middle School, Middleborough, this Saturday, 10/20.
- Work will start at 8:30AM and end at 4:00PM.
- Please pay attention to the weather and dress appropriately as we may have rain that day.
- If anyone has any questions, please direct them to Eric Grady via email:ericgrady21@gmail.com If you are an adult, please be sure to copy:
Mark Swindle markaswindle@verizon.net
Sherri Swindle sherriswindle@verizon.net
Merit Badges:
- Last Thursday, we had a few Scouts show for the School Committee meeting at Nichols Middle School in order to complete requirement 5 for the Communications Merit Badge.
- If you have additional requirements completed, please bring your work books so that you can receive credit for the work.
Personal Management
- Any Scouts who have made progress on this badge, please bring your workbook to Thursday's meeting so that Mrs. Swindle can check them and give you credit for any work completed.
That's all for now. We look forward to seeing all of our Scouts this Thursday!
Have a great week!
Hello Troop 20!
Because Sacred Heart needs the parish hall for Generations of Faith this week, we will be using this opportunity to complete requirement #5 for the Communications merit badge.
Requirement #5: Attend a public meeting (city council, school board, debate) approved by your counselor where several points of view are given on a single issue. Practice active listening skills and take careful notes of each point of view. Prepare an objective report that includes all points of view that were expressed, and share this with your counselor.
Even if you are not currently working on the merit badge, Communications is an Eagle required badge and this is a great opportunity to get this requirement done. Not to mention that learning communication skills will benefit you going forward in your scouting career.
- We need all Scouts to meet at the Nichols Middle School between 6:30-6:45PM and enter via the gym entrance.
- ALL Scouts need to be in Class A uniform and looking sharp. Please wear scout pants if you have them, along with neckerchief, slide, and hat. If you do not have Scout pants, please wear something as close as possible to them. Dark jeans that are clean and in good condition, dark green cargo pants, etc. We will be representing Troop 20 at the School committee meeting so we should look like Boy Scouts.
- Bring your Communications workbook if you are working on the merit badge. If you are not currently working on the badge, we will have copies of the sheet for Requirement #5 for you to use.
- Please also have your Scout Handbook, a notebook, a pen or pencil, and a bottle of water.
We will not stay for the entire committee meeting so we will be sitting in the rear of the room and when it is time to leave, we will do so VERY QUIETLY.
MassJam 2018:
The Scouts and leaders who attended MassJam this year had a great time! If you have a chance, please check out the photos on the Troop 20 Facebook page. The Facebook Group is 'Troop 20 Middleboro' and the photos are in the 'MassJam 2018' album. If you have any difficulty getting to this album, please let one of the leaders know.
- We still have to take care of the tents that were used over the weekend. Mr. Pierce will have the tents at Thursday's meeting. We need a Scout (who was at MassJam) to take home one tent, set it up, let it dry out completely, and sweep out the inside. Then, return the tent at next Thursday's Troop meeting. The SPL and ASPLs will work with the Scouts to figure out who is taking a tent home, they will record who has the tent and they will ensure it is returned next Thursday.
- It is very important that we get this done asap because the tents were packed up wet on Monday and leaving them wet will damage the equipment. The Troop paid a lot of money for these tents and it's important that we keep them in good condition so we really appreciate everyone's help in maintaining our equipment.
- If any tent is missing parts or has broken poles, etc., please take note of that when you are cleaning them and let us know so that replacement parts can be ordered.
Food Costs:
Anyone who has food receipts for the Murdock Street camping trip of for MassJam, please bring them Thursday evening. We will figure out the per Scout cost for food for each event and post to the blog so that you can bring a check next week.
If anyone has any questions, please see one of the leaders this Thursday.
That's all for now. We hope to see everyone Thursday at the Nichols Middle School!
Hello Troop 20!
MassJam (October 6 thru October 8):
We will be leaving for MassJam tomorrow, Saturday October 6 and heading for the Cape Cod Fairgrounds in Falmouth, MA. A few key points to remember.
Drop-off: We will be meeting at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall on Saturday morning at 6:00AM sharp, and we will be carpooling down to Falmouth. We will plan to leave the parking lot at 6:20AM
Pick-up: We will return on Monday, Oct 8, at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall parking lot. We are not exactly sure when we will be back but we estimate around noontime. We will be allowed to load the truck around 10:00AM and then once we are on the road, we will have Scouts call their parents to provide a more accurate pickup time. Travel time from Falmouth to Middleboro is about 40 minutes but this may be lengthened trying to get out of the camp grounds along with thousands of other Scouts.
- Scouts should have a light breakfast at home before leaving for the church hall. If we have time, we may stop at Dunkin Donuts on the way down.
- The weather looks to be shaping up for a very nice weekend, HOWEVER, this is still October. Please be sure you have warm clothing with you for the evening hours and it would not be a bad idea to have a light rain jacket just in case.
- Please have bug spray and sunscreen with you BUT, it has been communicated to leaders that aerosol cans are not permitted so please plan accordingly.
- We will be loading gear into Mr. Pierce's truck to be transported to the site. Scouts will head to a satellite parking area where buses will transport them to the fairgrounds. As a result, Scouts are only permitted to carry a daypack with them. Their gear will be in the truck.
- ALL Scouts should have with them; A full water bottle, a Day Pack, their Scout ten essentials, their Scout Handbook, and they should be wearing their Class A uniform.
- If you bring a Scout knife, please remember, no sheathed knives are allowed at all, regardless of blade length, and no knives with a blade length over 4".
- The jamboree will be operating a trading post so Scouts should have some cash with them to buy snacks and souvenirs.
Hello Troop 20!
- There will be a committee meeting and PLC meeting this Thursday at 6:00pm at Sacred Heart Parish Hall.
- Immediately following, we will have our regular weekly Troop meeting from 7:00 - 8:30pm.
- Any Scout who brought home a tent from Murdock Street to dry and sweep out MUST bring it to this Thursday's Troop Meeting. If you do not have it, we will ask you to please contact your parents and have them return with it. We need them for MassJam this weekend. If it has not been cleaned out, you will take care of it at the Troop Meeting.
MassJam (October 6 thru October 8):
This coming weekend will be our MassJam camping trip at the Cape Cod Fairgrounds in Falmouth, MA. A few key points to remember.
- Check-in time at the fairground starts at 7:00AM so we will be meeting at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall on Saturday morning at 6:00AM sharp, and we will be carpooling down to Falmouth. Due to space constraints near the campgrounds, carpooling is required of all Troops/Packs participating.
- The weather looks to be shaping up for a very nice weekend, HOWEVER, this is still October. Please be sure you have warm clothing with you for the evening hours and it would not be a bad idea to have a light rain jacket just in case.
- Please have bug spray and sunscreen with you BUT, it has been communicated to leaders that aerosol cans are not permitted so please plan accordingly.
- We will be loading gear into Mr. Pierce's truck to be transported to the site. Scouts will head to a satellite parking area where buses will transport them to the fairgrounds. As a result, Scouts are only permitted to carry a daypack with them. Their gear will be in the truck.
- ALL Scouts should have with them; A water bottle, a Day Pack, their Scout ten essentials, and they should be wearing their Class A uniform.
- If you bring a Scout knife, please remember, no sheathed knives are allowed at all, regardless of blade length, and no knives with a blade length over 4".
- Due to an extreme lack of adult leaders who can participate in this event, pickup time is still up in the air. We will make a final decision at this Thursday's Troop meeting. If we have enough adult leader participation to stay into Monday AND enough vehicle space to get everyone home, we will stay to Monday. If we cannot guarantee coverage and vehicle space, we will have no choice but to leave sometime Sunday afternoon. We suggest all parents of Scouts attending MassJam plan to be physically present at this Thursday's Troop meeting so that we can let you know, first hand, how things are shaping up. We would hate to leave early but with only 3 leaders, 2 of which have to work on Monday, we can only do so much.
- Please check with Mrs. Swindle Thursday to make sure you are all paid up and that she has your required medical forms.

Eric Grady's Eagle Project (Part 3):
This Saturday, October 6th, Eric Grady will be continuing work on his Eagle Scout Project at the John T. Nichols Middle School in Middleborough and he's looking for volunteers to help out. If you're not going to MassJam, and have some time available to assist, he would very much appreciate all the hands he can get.
As before, Eric asks that all volunteers to please bring work gloves, shovels, and metal rakes if you have them available.
Water and food will be provided for all volunteers.
This Saturday's work will be from 9:30AM to 3:00PM
If anyone has any questions, please direct them to Eric Grady via email:
ericgrady21@gmail.com If you are an adult, please be sure to copy
Mark Swindle markaswindle@verizon.net
Sherri Swindle sherriswindle@verizon.net

Merit Badges:
- For any Scouts still working on the Personal Management or Communication merit badges, or any other partial merit badge, please bring your workbooks to this Thursday's meeting so that we can progress and make a plan for everyone to complete ASAP.