Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Committee Meeting & PLC / Troop Meeting this Thursday, October 4th, at Sacred Heart Parish Hall - 6:00pm Committee / 7:00pm Troop

Hello Troop 20!

  • There will be a committee meeting and PLC meeting this Thursday at 6:00pm at Sacred Heart Parish Hall.
  • Immediately following, we will have our regular weekly Troop meeting from 7:00 - 8:30pm.
  • Any Scout who brought home a tent from Murdock Street to dry and sweep out MUST bring it to this Thursday's Troop Meeting.  If you do not have it, we will ask you to please contact your parents and have them return with it.  We need them for MassJam this weekend.  If it has not been cleaned out, you will take care of it at the Troop Meeting.


MassJam (October 6 thru October 8):
This coming weekend will be our MassJam camping trip at the Cape Cod Fairgrounds in Falmouth, MA. A few key points to remember.

  1. Check-in time at the fairground starts at 7:00AM so we will be meeting at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall on Saturday morning at 6:00AM sharp, and we will be carpooling down to Falmouth.  Due to space constraints near the campgrounds, carpooling is required of all Troops/Packs participating.
  2. The weather looks to be shaping up for a very nice weekend, HOWEVER, this is still October.  Please be sure you have warm clothing with you for the evening hours and it would not be a bad idea to have a light rain jacket just in case.
  3. Please have bug spray and sunscreen with you BUT, it has been communicated to leaders that aerosol cans are not permitted so please plan accordingly.
  4. We will be loading gear into Mr. Pierce's truck to be transported to the site.  Scouts will head to a satellite parking area where buses will transport them to the fairgrounds.  As a result, Scouts are only permitted to carry a daypack with them.  Their gear will be in the truck.
  5. ALL Scouts should have with them; A water bottle, a Day Pack, their Scout ten essentials, and they should be wearing their Class A uniform.
  6. If you bring a Scout knife, please remember, no sheathed knives are allowed at all, regardless of blade length, and no knives with a blade length over 4".
  7. Due to an extreme lack of adult leaders who can participate in this event, pickup time is still up in the air.  We will make a final decision at this Thursday's Troop meeting.  If we have enough adult leader participation to stay into Monday AND enough vehicle space to get everyone home, we will stay to Monday.  If we cannot guarantee coverage and vehicle space, we will have no choice but to leave sometime Sunday afternoon.  We suggest all parents of Scouts attending MassJam plan to be physically present at this Thursday's Troop meeting so that we can let you know, first hand, how things are shaping up.  We would hate to leave early but with only 3 leaders, 2 of which have to work on Monday, we can only do so much.
  8. Please check with Mrs. Swindle Thursday to make sure you are all paid up and that she has your required medical forms.

Eric Grady's Eagle Project (Part 3):
This Saturday, October 6th, Eric Grady will be continuing work on his Eagle Scout Project at the John T. Nichols Middle School in Middleborough and he's looking for volunteers to help out.  If you're not going to MassJam, and have some time available to assist, he would very much appreciate all the hands he can get.

As before, Eric asks that all volunteers to please bring work gloves, shovels, and metal rakes if you have them available.

Water and food will be provided for all volunteers.

This Saturday's work will be from 9:30AM to 3:00PM

If anyone has any questions, please direct them to Eric Grady via email:  If you are an adult, please be sure to copy

Mark Swindle
Sherri Swindle

Merit Badges:
  • For any Scouts still working on the Personal Management or Communication merit badges, or any other partial merit badge, please bring your workbooks to this Thursday's meeting so that we can progress and make a plan for everyone to complete ASAP.

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