Thursday, February 21, 2019

Troop 20 Movie Night - Further details

Hello Troop 20!

A few more details regarding Friday's Troop Movie Night.

  1. We will have Pizza for the Scouts.  The cost is $5 per Scout.
  2. If you bring a friend, the $5 is waived and you get to eat for free!
  3. For any Scouts bringing a friend, the parents of your guest must meet with Mrs. Swindle when they are dropped off.  No exceptions.
  4. Friends, unfortunately, are not allowed to stay the night so they must be picked up by their parents no later than 10:00pm Friday evening.
Remember, pickup for all Scouts is 8:00am Saturday morning.  We need to be out of the hall early so that it is available for Parish activities.

We hope everyone is looking forward to a fun night!

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