Hello Troop 20!
Weather permitting, we are planning a hike this coming Sunday, October 1st at the Stuart Morgan Property. Please plan to meet at the Morgan Property parking lot at 1:15pm. We'll be stepping off at 1:30pm. Remember to wear comfortable walking shoes, have a day pack with water and snacks, dress for the weather, and have your scout ten essentials.
Please keep an eye on the blog for any updates relating to the hike. We will post a confirmation as we get closer to Sunday the 1st.
For anyone who has never been here before, the Morgan Property is located on Long Point Road, off of Marion Road.
There are parking areas located on both sides of the road. A map to the intersection of Marion Road and Long Point Road can be found at this link. The parking areas are located about 1/4 mile down, after you turn onto Long Point Road.
Hello Troop 20!
Well, Jose isn't cooperating. He's hanging around and generally being a nuisance, keeping things nice and wet for us. Given that, the troop has decided that we will move our drop off time to Saturday, 9/23, at 8:00am.
The Webelos Woods stations start at 8:45 so this should give us a little time to arrive, get our own station ready, attend flags at 8:30 and then head out to stations with the Webelos. We will plan to setup tents right after lunch.
Since the morning will be busy, we will not have time to cook breakfast. Please eat before you arrive!
We may still have a few showers around Saturday morning so bring rain gear and appropriate footwear!
See you all Saturday!
Hello Troop 20!
Just a few reminders for all Scouts participating in Webelos Woods this weekend.
- Price: We are asking all Scouts to please have cash or check with them to cover the cost of Webelos Woods. The price of food is still a little up in the air but we anticipate the total cost being up to $25 per scout. This will cover the cost of registration ($10) and food for Saturday and Sunday morning.
- We don't know if the trading post will be open but if it happens to be, you'll want to have some spending money with you.
- Arrival time is Friday, 9/22, anytime after 5:00pm. Mrs. Swindle will be on site to greet scouts arriving.
- We are at the Kolli site. If you've never been to Camp Norse before, please see the map below.
- Please remember to eat dinner before you arrive. We will not be serving food Friday evening. We will have something to snack on but not a meal.
- Pickup time is Sunday morning, 8:00am. We appreciate your being on time with pickup so that our adult leaders can get out of camp at a reasonable time. ☺
We look forward to a great weekend with the Webelos of Pack 20!!
Hello Troop 20! Here are this week's announcements. We'll see you all this Thursday for the Troop Meeting!
Scout Binders: If you have a binder (and all of our scouts, with the exception of some of our newest members, should have a binder), please bring it to Thursday's Troop Meeting. Eric will be working with everyone to make sure your binders are in order and helping our new scouts understand what they need.
SPL Elections: As a reminder, any scouts interested in running for the position of Senior Patrol Leader this year, will interview with the adult leaders at the Troop meeting so that we have a chance to get your thoughts on the role and we can make sure you understand the responsibilities that the SPL will have for the year.
Webelos Woods 9/22 - 9/24: This weekend is our annual Webelos Woods camping trip at Camp Norse (112 Parting Ways Road, Kingston, MA). Arrival time will be Friday, 9/22 anytime after 5:00pm. Pickup will be Sunday morning. We are asking parents to please be at the camp by 8:00am so that we can pack up and head home. We will be at the Kolli site, our usual location (see map below)
As in past years, we will be hosting the Webelos from Pack 20. We're not sure how many will be attending but whoever comes, we want to make sure they are welcome and have a great time! Please make sure you sign up to attend! Even if you need to come in Saturday, leave early, etc., we want you to participate!
Hello Troop 20! Well, it's that time of the year again and our first troop meeting of the 2017 / 2018 scouting year will be held this coming Thursday, September 14th, at Central Congregational Church, 2 Webster St., Middleboro. We're looking forward to seeing everyone again for another great year!
One of our first orders of business for the year will be the elections for Senior Patrol Leader. The adult leaders have put together some details on the position and a calendar for the elections. We suggest that everyone take some time to review the following document: Troop 20 SPL
We'll be jumping right into camping with Webelos Woods 2017. Webelos Woods will be held at Camp Norse, September 22-24. The theme this year will be Star Wars. Let's get our gear ready and have a great camping trip prepared to show the Webelos scouts why they want to be part of Troop 20!
Hello Troop 20!
We hope everyone has had a great summer and that you are all looking forward to returning to Troop 20. We have a great year ahead of us! Details regarding the first troop meeting will be coming out in the next couple of days.
In the meantime, we wanted to pass along a few pictures of our scouts having a great time at Camp Squanto this summer. Additionally, you can see that our blog header photo has been changed out to this years summer camp troop photo. Enjoy! (There are a lot of photos here so hopefully everyone can download them. We are working on an alternative solution for distributing photos.)
Everyday, the scouts campsite is evaluated against a number of criteria and the troop with the best site, wins the honor troop award. Troop 20 received Honor Troop the first day and we closed out the week with the highest score yet! Great job Troop 20!