Thursday, November 16, 2023

Troop Meeting Thursday November 16, 2023 @ 7PM

Registration fees are due. $80 per scout. Please bring to Thursday's meeting.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Troop Meeting Thursday September 21 @7PM

Hello, Troop 20!

There will be a troop meeting at the Parish Hall on Thursday 9/21 at 7PM.

Scouts planning to attend this weekend's Mt. Washington hike need to bring their backpack with all their gear in it for an equipment check.

Any time a Scout goes on a camping trip or hike, he should always be prepared by carrying the following ten essential items in his pack. These essentials will allow a scout to survive in the outdoors in most emergency situations. 

The Outdoor (Ten) Essentials: (Boy Scout Handbook, p. 207)

__ Pocketknife (when you complete Totin’ Chip training) 

__ First aid kit

__ Extra clothing

__ Rain gear

__ Water bottle (1 liter)

__ Flashlight or headlamp

__ Trail food

__ Matches/Fire starter (when you complete Firem’n Chit training) 

__ Sun protection

__ Map and compass 

Recommendation beyond the Ten:

__ Insect repellent

__ Toilet paper (small roll)

__ Whistle

Additional notes from Mr. B:

Extra clothing - One extra of each and a warm long-sleeve shirt, 1 pair of pants, 1 pair of hiking shorts.

Rain gear - Raincoat must fit over your warm long-sleeve shirt.

Water bottle - Filled with water.

Map and compass - Troop will have maps.

Insect repellent - Should not be needed for this trip.

Also needed:

__ Good hiking boots that fit well

__ Hiking socks - One to wear and one to pack

__ Winter hat - It will be cold overnight at about 3875ft. elevation in late September.

__ Gloves or mittens

__ Warm sleeping bag

__ Sleeping mat

Leave some extra room to pack food.