Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Troop Meeting at Nichols Middle School - Meet between 6:30 / 6:45PM

Hello Troop 20!

Because Sacred Heart needs the parish hall for Generations of Faith this week, we will be using this opportunity to complete requirement #5 for the Communications merit badge.

Requirement #5:  Attend a public meeting (city council, school board, debate) approved by your counselor where several points of view are given on a single issue.  Practice active listening skills and take careful notes of each point of view.  Prepare an objective report that includes all points of view that were expressed, and share this with your counselor.

Even if you are not currently working on the merit badge, Communications is an Eagle required badge and this is a great opportunity to get this requirement done.  Not to mention that learning communication skills will benefit you going forward in your scouting career.

  • We need all Scouts to meet at the Nichols Middle School between 6:30-6:45PM and enter via the gym entrance.
  • ALL Scouts need to be in Class A uniform and looking sharp.  Please wear scout pants if you have them, along with neckerchief, slide, and hat.  If you do not have Scout pants, please wear something as close as possible to them.  Dark jeans that are clean and in good condition, dark green cargo pants, etc.  We will be representing Troop 20 at the School committee meeting so we should look like Boy Scouts.
  • Bring your Communications workbook if you are working on the merit badge.  If you are not currently working on the badge, we will have copies of the sheet for Requirement #5 for you to use.
  • Please also have your Scout Handbook, a notebook, a pen or pencil, and a bottle of water.
We will not stay for the entire committee meeting so we will be sitting in the rear of the room and when it is time to leave, we will do so VERY QUIETLY.

MassJam 2018:

The Scouts and leaders who attended MassJam this year had a great time!  If you have a chance, please check out the photos on the Troop 20 Facebook page.  The Facebook Group is 'Troop 20 Middleboro' and the photos are in the 'MassJam 2018' album.  If you have any difficulty getting to this album, please let one of the leaders know.

  • We still have to take care of the tents that were used over the weekend.  Mr. Pierce will have the tents at Thursday's meeting.  We need a Scout (who was at MassJam) to take home one tent, set it up, let it dry out completely, and sweep out the inside.  Then, return the tent at next Thursday's Troop meeting.  The SPL and ASPLs will work with the Scouts to figure out who is taking a tent home, they will record who has the tent and they will ensure it is returned next Thursday.
  • It is very important that we get this done asap because the tents were packed up wet on Monday and leaving them wet will damage the equipment.  The Troop paid a lot of money for these tents and it's important that we keep them in good condition so we really appreciate everyone's help in maintaining our equipment.
  • If any tent is missing parts or has broken poles, etc., please take note of that when you are cleaning them and let us know so that replacement parts can be ordered.

Food Costs:

Anyone who has food receipts for the Murdock Street camping trip of for MassJam, please bring them Thursday evening.  We will figure out the per Scout cost for food for each event and post to the blog so that you can bring a check next week.

If anyone has any questions, please see one of the leaders this Thursday.

That's all for now.  We hope to see everyone Thursday at the Nichols Middle School!


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