Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Troop Meeting this Thursday, 5/16 at Sacred Heart Parish Hall - 7:00pm

Hello Troop 20!

We will be having our regular Troop Meeting this Thursday, May 9th, at 7:00pm.  Sacred Heart Parish Hall.  Please remember that we line up for our opening ceremony at 7:00PM so you need to plan to be at the hall 10-15 minutes earlier, in Class A uniform.

We would like to remind Scouts, again, that one of the requirements to move up in rank is 'active participation' in the Troop.  Missing meetings and arriving late does not count as active participation and may cause delays in Scouts moving up in rank, including Eagle Scout.  As we have mentioned before, we understand that there can sometimes be conflicts with school activities and sports but if that's the case, you MUST be talking to the leaders to make sure we understand the circumstances.  Let's all continue to try to be active participants in our Troop.

This Thursday's Troop meeting will focus on a dress rehearsal for Eric Grady's upcoming Eagle Court of Honor along with making any final adjustments necessary for this weekends camping trip.

Eric Grady - Eagle Court of Honor

Eric Grady will be having his Eagle Scout Court of Honor on Sunday May 19th at the Town Hall Ballroom.  All Scouts should plan to arrive at 2:30PM in full class A uniform and looking sharp.  The ceremony will start promptly at 3:00PM.  Please put this on your calendar and plan to be there to celebrate Eric's achievement of obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout!
Troop Planning & Events:
- Camp Norse Campout - We will be having a Troop campout this weekend 5/18-5/19 at Camp Norse.  Scouts should plan to arrive Saturday morning at 8:00AM and meet at the Admin building near the main parking lot.  We will be in campsite Ari, which is directly behind the admin building.  Pickup will be Sunday morning at 8:00AM sharp.  We ask that everyone please be on time for pickup so that everyone has time to get home, cleaned up, rest a bit, and get ready for Eric Grady's Court of Honor.

After surveying the Murdock street campsite, it was determined that it is not currently in condition for camping so that's why the sudden change to Camp Norse.  This weekend will be focused on cooking & camping requirements.  Scouts should come prepared to work on or complete whatever hey need and support will be provided by our adult leaders.  This means that you should have merit badge workbooks and your Scout Handbook with you.  Please remember, the Scout motto is 'Be Prepared'.

If you are attending this weekend, we MUST have, at a minimum, a current Part a & Part B of your Medical Form.  If there is a question as to whether you have a current form on file with the Troop, see Mrs. Swindle this week and she can tell you.

The rifle range will be available for our use Saturday afternoon so there will definitely be an opportunity for some fun outside of working on requirements!

As soon as we know what the overall cost will be, we will get word out to everyone.

This weekend looks to be great weather so we should see ALL of our Scouts there having fun outdoors!

- Care package for Mr. Devine - As you all know, one of our Assistant Scoutmasters, Bart Devine, is currently deployed overseas with the US Army, serving our country.  We will be sending him one last care package in the next few weeks so if you would like to donate to that cause, please bring in any items this week or next.  Items that would be great to have:
  • Wet Wipes
  • Unsalted Almonds
  • Precooked bacon
  • Cliff Bars - White chocolate Macadamia is a favorite but I'm sure he would enjoy other flavors as well

 - Cape Cod Canal Bike Rides - We're still just waiting on Mother Nature to remember that this is supposed to be Spring but we're confident she'll come around to our way of thinking pretty soon.  When that happens, we'll be heading to the Cape Code Canal for a great ride to shake off the winter dust!  It should be pretty soon so keep an eye on the blog.

 - Campout at Camp Shawme-Crowell - We will be having another campout June 21-June 23 at Shawme-Crowell State Forest, located in Sandwich MA.  Details are being firmed up and we will let everyone know as soon as we have more information to pass along but make sure you get these dates on your calendar.  It should be a really fun time with over 15 miles of roads and trails, there should be lots of opportunities for bike rides, hikes, etc.  Please put your name on the sign-up sheet at this week's Troop Meeting.

- Uniform Inspection - The uniform inspection, planned for May 16th, is being pushed out one week to the Thursday, May 23rd Troop meeting.  We do this every year to make sure our Scouts are keeping up-to-date with their uniforms and that they are looking their best to represent Troop 20 and the BSA

- Memorial Day Parade - Troop 20 will be participating in the Memorial Day Parade.  Details will be forthcoming.

- Medical Forms - As we do every year, Scouts need to get their Medical Forms updated and in to Mrs. Swindle. 

 - Summer Camp - This year's summer camp will be the week of July 21st.  We anticipate the cost to be around $400 - $425 for the week.  This year, we will be camping along with Troop 96 and we will have a different campsite down near the lake.  IMPORTANT:  A $50 non-refundable deposit is due ASAP for all Scouts that plan to attend....and we hope ALL of our Scouts will be attending......75% will need to be paid by 5/31.  If you have questions, please see one of the leaders at this week's Troop Meeting.

Summer Camp is always a great time but Scouts seem to be losing interest in attending.  We'd really like to hear from you as to why you don't want to attend so please let us know so that we can make this a great time for all of our Scouts.

We look forward to seeing our Scouts this Thursday!

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