Saturday, November 28, 2020

Troop Meeting - Monday, 11/30 6:00-7:30pm at Reedy's Archery

 Hello Troop 20!

Starting this coming week, we will be holding our regular Troop Meeting on Monday's at Reedy's Archery from 6:00-7:30pm.  We will be meeting in the downstairs range.

Please remember that we line up for our opening ceremony at 6:00pm so plan to be at Reedy's 10 minutes earlier.  Please arrive wearing your Class A uniform.

Reedy's Archery is located at 121 Wood Street, Middleborough.  When you pull into Reedy's, there's a dirt road to the right that will bring you around back.  You can park anywhere along the wood line, away from the building. There's a door under the deck, on the left, that leads inside to the range.  We will try to put out a sign to guide everyone to the right entrance until everyone get's used to the new routine.  Please try to not park directly in front of the barber shop door as we want to make sure we leave room for his paying customers.



Anytime that you need to reach out to an adult leader or volunteer, like Mr. McKinnon, it's OK to do so, but please remember that you need to follow the two deep leadership rules. This applies to all forms of contact.

  • For in-person meetings, another adult or parent must be present.
  • For email or text, always copy another adult or parent.
  • If a phone conversation is required, you need to arrange for a conference call where another adult or parent can hear the conversation.

All of the leaders and volunteers are here to help you achieve your goals in Scouting.  We just need your help to make sure we're all following BSA policies.

We look forward to seeing our Scouts on Thursday!

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